HT Brigham, metal pressings, presswork expertise, metal stampings

BOS – Leadership

In its most simple form, Leadership is at the core of BOS because people can’t thrive in a poorly led environment. If people aren’t thriving, the likelihood is, processes won’t be optimised, and organisational purpose will remain unfulfilled. With this acknowledgement, it can be understood that the founding principle of the Brigham Operating System is to create and nurture an environment where our values are exhibited, and held fast, in turn creating a positive environment where our people can thrive. The downstream outcome is a fulfilled mission, and a feeling of purpose that ensures our customers are satisfied.

To make all of this work in practice, our leaders constantly analyse internal performance data, and external market data to create information that will be used to make strategic decisions about our direction. Once such decisions are made, our leaders set expectations, and direct and guide our people, ensuring we meet our objectives, and do so on time.

Leadership must not only be accountable for our outcomes, they must also ensure each person remains accountable for their contribution towards our objectives.


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